Monday, February 2, 2009

how to send resumes to employers

blue_querubin thanks! just curious, why do you use different colors for your CL and resume? I always use the same color for both.Dang! Stupid me, I always mail the "regular" way so I don't have any idea what couriers are. Explain! Thanks.

no real reason why, but i use 2 colors. i just feel doing so communicates "attention to details", "organized", "tries harder". i dont know if it works or if they get that at all.

courier --- have it delivered by messenger, like DHL. more expensive but the plus is it's impressive and the secretary will unlikely hijack the mail.


Thursday, January 29, 2009

details on sending resumes and formats

blue querubin: when submitting a resume, is it alright if I staple the pages? a friend advised me to put it in a folder. what type/size of envelope should i used when i send a resume by snail mail? i wanted to put it in a large brown envelope so that i wouldn't be folding the papers, but then again i thought it could be a bad idea. help!

resumes : to staple it or not? fold it into a short envelope? put it in a folder then mail in big envelope?

not sure if one is better than the other. i guess its really your own personal preference. others may agree/disagree.

the other consideration of course is cost --- its more expensive to use a folder and mail it in a bigger envelope. but then again because you are looking for a job, cost should not be a consideration. its an investment.

here is one way to send a resumes out. you can make up your own mind.

  • do not staple the resume. using a staple makes it kinda look cheap.
  • put the name, email addy, cell number and telephone number on the header of every page.
  • also put "page x of x pages" (msword is cool!). so if the other pages are separated from the main page, they would know how to put it back together and in sequence. of course, they will eventually staple it, but you don't need to do it.
  • do not fold the resume. looks neater if not folded.
  • stop putting the resume inside a folder. most recipients will remove them from the folder anyway.
  • when putting the resume in a folder, use clear or transparent plastic folders. that way the recipient can read the document through the plastic without even removing the document out.
  • use nice looking paper. the thicker variety and those with a nice feel to it.
  • use white for the CL and use another color for resume. just aesthetics.
  • never give your resumes as is, to security guards. the security guards will not care. put it in an envelope and address it to someone, to a name in the organization.
  • if its a job you really, really like or you got a good lead, use couriers, not snail mail.


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

follow up status - makulit?

tomatosun : abcxyz, i was interviewed last week, and i asked them when i would know if i made it, they told me prob in 2 weeks. im wondering if it's ok to make a follow-up as soon as today or this week, coz im thinking of doing so but, won't i sound too makulit or somethin like that? thanks

no such thing as makulit. go ahead and follow-up. just be nice. they will look at your follow up as being assertive and interested. those are good things.


Saturday, January 24, 2009

portfolios for IT people

there are NO limits to what you can do, that's for certain. don't know much about the IT job market and the internet/e-business but i think the internet is one industry where SELF PROMOTION can be done easily.

its probably one of the few industries where you can actually DEMONSTRATE your skills and achievements. demonstrate i mean, you can do a show and tell (graphics designers is another). you can put together a portfolio and bring it with you to show prospective employers.

i might not know much about the tech stuff, but you can put all your work on cd, cant you? and you can put up your own website showcasing your work.

does not matter what your title is, its only a title --- as long as in truth you did it and you can defend yourself, then do it by all means.

on your portfolio, do something like a "dream" website, do a website for yourself for the sole purpose of showcasing your skills. i've seen the cd/website portfolio tack a very effective one. i've witnessed this in all the job fairs i observed in silicon valley. look at it this way --- if you put up a website showcasing your skills, the world is your audience!


"makulit" and desperate in following up results

silly_ka_jax: I've asked the interviewer when could I follow-up, but the interviewer misinterpreted the question and instead told me I have a chance of getting hired. Do you think it's merely "pambobola" on her part or was it partly true? She said, there were still two interviews left before she makes a decision. When do you think is the best time, like, days, to make a follow-up call?. What is the best thing you could say to follow-up an application without sounding too "makulit" and desperate? I don't know how to deal with rejection so, could you give me an overview on how they're gonna handle my call if I didn't get hired? The company has provided two choices of positions that an applicant would like to apply for. If, I didn't get hired for my first choice, would it be possible if they'd consider me for my second choice? I've already asked the interviewer about this and she said, yes, that's why they provided two choices of positions. But, i don't know, she might be pulling my leg or what. I believe, my skills are more appropriate for my second choice. Do I have to make a follow-up call regarding my second chocie?Sorry if I sound so makulit.

you have to BELIEVE in yourself that is very important not only during job hunting, most specially wehn you get the job.

we are all bad at handling rejections -- but we all need to learn to suck it up and move on. i've posted a few on this topic here, scroll up, but to sum it up --- dont despair if you dont get accepted.

it is not just skills, or just interview performance, it is also "best fit". i posted something about bf-gf thingy, go read that. i can't tell you if it was bola, because i did not see her facial expression/body language when she said that. BUT, hardly would recruiters say that if they don't mean it.

its easier to gauge if you were not preferred -- they tell you outright or dead silence. follow-up as soon as you can. midweek? end of the week? any would do, depends how composed you are already. sound confident on the phone. and by all means ask about the 2nd option. say something like "am following up on the progress of my application regarding the two positions i applied for" not the words just the thought.

say it outright you are applying for 2 positions. get actual dates --- when is the next interview and with whom. or when do i call again to follow-up in case she does not know yet. the interviewer is a she? use your charm. using your charm by the way works for both female and male interviewers.
