Wednesday, July 30, 2008

your turn to ask questions

When the interviewer finishes asking his set of questions, they usually go out and asks the interviewee if they have any questions they would like to ask. I've learned to ask 2 things: First, I ask about what products the company is making or manufacturing, and second, what the job position is really like, what it's all about specifically. abcxyz, do you have any other suggestions on the questions the interviewee could ask the interviewer?

oh yes, you can use these questions they allow you to ask at the end of the interview several ways, one or or a combination of them :
  • make more points for yourself. sell yourself more. get things about you on the table that were not discussed or not asked of you.
  • paybeck time! -- make the interviewer squirm, put him on the spot (this means you probably dont like the job so who cares if he gets pissed at you)
  • get answers to some of your questions.

its always best to do some research about the company and its products before the interview. ask these questions so that you make it appear you are intetrested in their company/products.

here are some good questions (not these words exactly, but pick up the thoughts):

  • how finanacially stable is the compnay? did the company make money last year? why/why not? (shows you are interested about your future, that u wont join a company that is about to fold up)
  • what has been the key drivers of success for the company? what company is its biggest competitor, how is this company doing against that. (shows you are interested in the business side, not just employment)
  • how important is new blood/hiring of fresh grads to the company, any training programs? (will tell u if they will take care of you)

there are a lot more you can ask, but these are the guidelines :

  • ask quetsions that make it sound you are interested in bigger things other than employment
  • questions that say something about you, can add to building a good impression of you
  • questions that when an answer is given, you can add to or contribute an idea to
  • ask questions if you think you didn't do a good job during the interview and you want to improve your standing
  • you should do mock interviews with friends to help you out

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