Thursday, August 28, 2008


AnGeLJoLi : I just had an interview last Tuesday and I do think it went smoothly. The interviewer, an HR head, told me to wait for a while so that the associate publisher could interview me, too (the interview with the associate publisher was quite unexpected because the scheduled interview was with the HR head only) and so that, practically speaking, I wouldn't go back and forth to the office. Unfortunately, the associate publisher was nowhere to be found and the interviewer told me that he would call within this week to schedule the postponed interview. He even asked me if I'm planing to go out of town this week. But up until now I haven't heard from him. If, by any chance, next week, he didn't call, is it ok to follow-up my application or should I let it go? Any opinion would be highly appreciated. Thanks.

yes, by all means, make the call as soon as possible and follow up.

ask if a schedule with the next interviewer has been scheduled. calling signals your interest and assertiveness, very good qualities for anyone to have. dont be shy. be confident. sound smart. dont be apologetic.


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